Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm in highschool,and want to become a surgeon.?

Hi I'm a softmore in Highschool and have hopes of becoming a surgeon. I want to know what classes I should take during highschool years and also what colleges are good for this profession.
Worry about getting into medical school first. While in med school, you'll rotate through all the specialties and you may realize surgery is not for you.

As far as college goes, there is one thing I would recommend. Don't major in Biology just because you're going to med school. Bio majors are a dime a dozen, and many of them have mediocre grades because they majored in something that did not interest them.

The year I got accepted into med school, the majors with the highest acceptance rate were Philosophy and History. Each around 70% of their applicants accepted, however, there were only about 400 applicants.

Consider this, there were 15,000 Biology majors who applied to med school and their acceptance rate was around 30%.

I'm guessing there were a lot of bio majors with 2.5 GPAs. while all those Philosphy and History majors had 3.5s or higher.

Med school admission committees like to see a high GPA, it means you work hard at what you like.

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