Saturday, October 31, 2009

In the Cardiac Cycle, does the systemic circulation recieve the same volume of blood as the pulmonary cycle?

Here now is the correct answer you seek. Yes the heart has two chambers that pump blood the right and left ventricle. You can think of the right side of the heart as the pulmonary circuit and the left heart as the systemic circuit. The right heart circulates blood through the lungs and this is a lower pressure circuit, the left heart pumps to the body and this requires a much higher pressure. I can assure you that in a healthy person the volumes of blood pumped by the right heart is the same volume of blood pumped by the left heart. The difference is that the right heart pumps this volume at a lesser pressure. The right ventricle pumps say 5 liters of blood per minute at a systolic pressure of 28 mmhg and the left heart pumps 5 liters of blood per minute at a systolic pressure of 128 mmhg.

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